Executive Coaching for Educational Leaders: The What and The Why

Written by: Paula Apostolou, Senior Consultant

May 20, 2024

Executive coaching is a professional development service that positively impacts the leader receiving coaching services and the leader’s team. Coaches use thought-provoking questions to guide and support leaders through challenges and opportunities. Coaching is offered through one-on-one or group sessions, in person or online.

Three Reasons Educational Leaders Should Invest in an Executive Coach

  1. Improved Leadership Performance. 

Working with a certified coach provides leaders with an enhanced, unbiased perspective, allowing the leader to gain self-awareness in both their strengths and areas for improvement.  Over time, coaching fosters self-efficacy so that leaders trust in their capacity to achieve specific outcomes. Educational leaders working with a coach often report having more confidence in their leadership skills and decision-making abilities moving forward

2. Support a Positive Student Experience

Educational leaders who invest in a certified coach are more likely to have engaged and impactful staff members who, in turn, provide quality educational experiences for our students. A coach can help a leader re-prioritize calendar items and build systems in their day to ensure they are spending their work hours building relationships with their staff, providing support for their team members where it is most needed, and making the highest possible impact on the student experience.

3. Increased Well-being 

A coach can be a powerfully useful support system on the leadership journey. The leader and the coach build a trusting relationship, providing the educational leader with a sounding board and the encouragement needed to move forward. The coach has the best interest of the leader in mind, oftentimes sharing insights that allow the leader to make lifestyle changes that positively impact the individual’s overall well-being.

IndySchool Consultancy’s Executive Coaching Team Leader

Dr. Paula Apostolou has over 20 years of experience in the field of PK-12 education with roles ranging from teacher to administrator. She is a Board Certified Coach with an Executive and Business Coaching Specialty and is a Certified 360 Administrator. When working with Paula, educators feel heard, supported, and leave sessions feeling empowered to implement changes right away.


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ISC News- May 2023